Cleaning & Restoration

Oil painting cleaning and restoration

The most common type of cleaning required is a surface clean i.e. the removal of surface accumulation of dirt and dust. Discoloured, aged and yellowed varnishes can also be removed. This involves the use of stronger solvents and is obviously undertaken with great care to avoid removal of any underlying oil paint. A consolidating varnish is then applied.

 British Association of Paintings Conservator-Restorers (Associate member)

Robin Taylor Fine Arts before restoration

Our aim is to restore your picture to "as fresh as the day it was painted"

This oil painting, over 500 years old, required careful, expert cleaning. The cracked wooden panel was infilled and damaged areas were restored.
See our "Recent Projects" page
Robin Taylor Fine Arts after restoration
Restoration and varnishing
Oil paints usually consist of earth pigments mixed with either linseed, poppy or walnut oil. Time often takes its toll upon oil paintings and the moisture in the original oil dries out. Sometimes, moisture enters the paint mix and a whitish "bloom" appears on the surface. These problems can be rectified by cleaning and the application of a resin-based varnish which rejuvenates the pigment, giving the painting that "freshly painted" look and preventing any future deterioration.
painting before image

Choose us for:

  • Varnishing and the rejuvenation of pigments
  • Re-lining
  • Patching
We undertake art restoration and picture framing
projects across Leeds and West Yorkshire.
painting with a fresh look

Give your painting a fresh look

At Robin Taylor Fine Arts, we understand that canvas can be torn, dented or damaged. Sometimes, the paint layer starts to flake or a whitish bloom appears on the surface of the painting. We will take the utmost care to ensure exceptional painting restoration work every time. To find out more about our services, contact us.
Robin Taylor Fine Arts logo
For painting restoration services in Wakefield, call Robin Taylor Fine Arts on
01924 381 809
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